Sunday, 17 July 2011

Links of the week!

So, I thought I'd just let you all know what I've been enjoying this week in terms of blogs etc.  So, here goes:

  • I found a blog called Bikinis and Passports very recently, and I've been loving going through all the past posts she has, hearing about her travels, her studying, her life and I really like her style, she manages to make all her high street clothes look really individual.
  • Also I read recently divergent musing's post about the cost of blogging...I think these reasons were definitely behind some of why I stopped blogging a while ago.  I also think that it's worth remembering that everything is fine in moderation and that time management is key.  At the moment I have quite a lot of free time, but come the autumn I will be much busier again, however I hope to keep blogging, even if it's not as regular.  The community and friends you meet are worth it!
  • I stumbled across this post about French women's attitudes to beauty and definitely thought it was an interesting read.  As someone who loves France and French culture (I think, anyway) it makes an interesting perspective on this topic.
  • Finally, Liberty London Girl's blog is one of my favourites.  She kind of leads the life I wish I could, being a PR consultant for loads of brands that take her all over the world.  Obviously travelling so much has its downsides, but she's become amazing at packing and this week she blogged about how to pack for a 3 day city break in just a carry-on case.  Genius, eh? I wish I knew this when I went to italy, would've been very useful.
Sorry it's quite short, I have not yet re-gotten into the habit to bookmark my links of the week, and so it's pretty much what's been open on my browser for a while that's been show.  Next week will be better, promise ;-)

Anyway, hope you've all had a lovely weekend, and speak to you all soon!

Currently listening to: Get a move on - Mr Scruff (well worth the listen for the memories this one, it's an instantly recognisable tune, but it took me ages to place where I'd heard it! Do you remember?)

Friday, 15 July 2011

Finally, a video!

So, it has taken me forever and a day to put up this video...I've recorded 4 different videos (over 3 days, I don't always want to put on and take off my makeup 5 times in a day!), and this is the only one that has worked!  BUT, now I know how to do this, hopefully it'll be a much quicker process!  So, because I've become very interested in make up tutorials while I wasn't blogging, so I thought that as part of my 'return' I'd give it a go!  If you like it, please let me know, if not, then I'll just carry on looking at the videos, without telling you guys about them, that's ok by me! If I seem a bit weird, I think I seem really unanimated, but it's difficult to be all animated when there's nothing to react to, if that makes sense?? Anyway... sorry it's taken so long, and I hope you've all had a good week!  Behold my un-madeup face!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Updates! (picture heavy)

So, after being absent for so long, I'm going to give everyone a little update on what's been going on in my life!  Obviously, this is just the happy, breezy stuff, there's been a lot of hard work too!  As you can tell, I haven't really gone out very much since November! Here we go:

 Dress: Next outlet; Shoes: Primark; Belt: don't remember; all jewellery & my bag (not pictured): Accessorize

This night in March was our annual music ball.  Last year was one of the best nights of the year, and this year's was also magnificent!  My best friend and I started getting ready in the afternoon, a friend came over and we did her hair, we drank champagne, it was amazing! Already looking forward to next year!

Dress: TK Maxx; Belt: Sainsbury's; Necklace: Accessorize; Random black cardi

This was the night when I dressed up as the green fairy.  I didn't manage to get a closeup of the make up that I did, but it was big on the green eyeshadow!

Dresses in both pictures: Primark (they're actually the same dress in 2 different colours!)

I also did a tango show with my dancing friends in various places along the south coast (Portsmouth, Bracknell, Guildford & Winchester) through April and May, and had a ball! The first picture above was our poster and we did a little posing session after!  The second picture is me with my godfather Dino (who introduced me to tango 7 years ago) and one of my closest friends Shen.  We all still had some of our stage makeup on, so we look a bit scary!

Dress: Primark (honestly, I don't own as much Primark as it seems!); Jacket: H&M; Shoes: M&S; Bag: New Look

This was the day the my best friend and I did a tourists' guide to London...she'd never been before so I showed her the sights: Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, the various museums, Oxford St, Notting Hill etc etc!

Dress: Patricia Field for M&S; Belt: Came with a dress from H&M; Shoes: Primark

Again, my best friend and I went out for a little Thursday night r&r...turns out Thursdays are rubbish in Guildford...anyway, I find that most of the time the dressing up for a night out is half the fun!

For the music geeks amongst us...this is me with pianist Nikolai Demidenko (a hero of mine) and the first violinist of the Borodin Quartet, when they came to perform at Surrey recently.  I was managing the concert, so got to have a few chats with them all about their musicianship etc.  It was amazing!

This weekend has also been pretty busy!  But I've finished uni now for the summer, so it's ok to not do too much work... yesterday my friends abseiled down the Spinnaker tower in Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth, so we went to support them.  It was a lovely sunny day after the horrid rainy week we've been having, so it was a welcome change.  In the first picture you can just see the little 'diving board' they had to start at...350 feet! I think they were very brave, and they did it for charity - the Stroke Association.  Lovely they did such things in a good cause!  And finally, I went to London today, but didn't want to not take any photos, so here's a pretty one from Covent Garden...I just liked the way the fire escape looked on the side of the building...random, sorry!

Hope you're all ok, and I'm really looking forward to catching up with all your blogs properly soon :)

Currently: watching the Popstar to Operastar final...I know. Guilty pleasure, but anything that gets opera to the masses gets my approval!

Friday, 8 July 2011

I'm back!

Hi everyone,

So, that was a huge hiatus from blogging, eh?  I never quite intended for it to be that long a break, and there have been a few times when I thought that I would have time to continue up again, but then a few weeks later, life got hectic again, so I thought it was better to take a longer break than to come back half-heartedly.  Now, I'm back, ready to post, and excited and inspired once again!

Uni work, concerts, unsociable hours and whatnot definitely got in the way, but I'm much better at managing my time now, so it's a good time to start again.

So, summer has begun (although not that you'd know it with the weather we're having) and inspiration has hit!  And because I didn't want this post to be without a picture, here's a picture that sums up British summer to me:

Tell me, what's new in your lives?