Sunday, 17 July 2011

Links of the week!

So, I thought I'd just let you all know what I've been enjoying this week in terms of blogs etc.  So, here goes:

  • I found a blog called Bikinis and Passports very recently, and I've been loving going through all the past posts she has, hearing about her travels, her studying, her life and I really like her style, she manages to make all her high street clothes look really individual.
  • Also I read recently divergent musing's post about the cost of blogging...I think these reasons were definitely behind some of why I stopped blogging a while ago.  I also think that it's worth remembering that everything is fine in moderation and that time management is key.  At the moment I have quite a lot of free time, but come the autumn I will be much busier again, however I hope to keep blogging, even if it's not as regular.  The community and friends you meet are worth it!
  • I stumbled across this post about French women's attitudes to beauty and definitely thought it was an interesting read.  As someone who loves France and French culture (I think, anyway) it makes an interesting perspective on this topic.
  • Finally, Liberty London Girl's blog is one of my favourites.  She kind of leads the life I wish I could, being a PR consultant for loads of brands that take her all over the world.  Obviously travelling so much has its downsides, but she's become amazing at packing and this week she blogged about how to pack for a 3 day city break in just a carry-on case.  Genius, eh? I wish I knew this when I went to italy, would've been very useful.
Sorry it's quite short, I have not yet re-gotten into the habit to bookmark my links of the week, and so it's pretty much what's been open on my browser for a while that's been show.  Next week will be better, promise ;-)

Anyway, hope you've all had a lovely weekend, and speak to you all soon!

Currently listening to: Get a move on - Mr Scruff (well worth the listen for the memories this one, it's an instantly recognisable tune, but it took me ages to place where I'd heard it! Do you remember?)


  1. Lots of interesting links! Will check them out!


  2. Will definitely check these links out - I love a good 'how to pack' post, so Liberty London GIrl's looks great!

  3. Very interesting and useful links. Worth keeping and yeah let's enjoy our life in a simple ways and things that surround us. Bikinis and Passport make me smile. It's like taking off in the sky and bringing your favorite Pam Am Orion Bag with you that has your immigration papers inside.
