This weekend we (the family and I) went to Emsworth Mill Pond, which is about half an hour's drive away from my house and went for a wander around. I didn't take that many pictures, but I found my dream house:
And the weather was GORGEOUS! The clouds were so 'perfect' looking, they kind of reminded me of cartoons. Like at the beginning of the Simpsons...does anyone else see that or is it just me?Anywhoo, here's what I wore:
Look at how pasty I am! I'm trying not to tan this year - I have plenty of moles, and quite naturally olive-y skin anyway, but I don't want to a) die of skin cancer at a young, or any, age, (the majority of malignant melanoma cases in the UK are for 15-35 year olds...scary) and b) get really wrinkly (over 80% of wrinkles are caused by sun damage, also scary, but in a much less serious way)
In much less serious news: I went to the hairdresser recently. She cut my fringe too short which I HATE when I have a too short fringe, because my hair gets pretty unruly when it's cut too short, meaning a nice fringe is out of the question. Also, I asked for a nice wavy beach-y blow dry and I cam out looking like a poodle. NOT impressed. If I wanted really curly hair I'd have asked for it?? Hairdressers clearly don't know moderation.
Today, I'm off to sing in a concert with my college. We're singing Poulenc's Gloria, which if you haven't listened to, I would give it a go. It took me a few listens to really appreciate it, but now I love it!
Currently listening to: Stars and Moon by Jason Robert Brown.